Creating a space for the under represented in business leadership



The mission of UR:REPRESENTED  is to support and empower the under represented within business. By creating connections, providing coaching, and encouraging development of its members UR:REPRESENTED aspires to engineer passion that will lead towards personal achievement and making the under represented become, REPRESENTED.




Orange County, CA.

Dallas, TX.

Contact Info



What WE Do

The groups act as social events with a focus on furthering the the needs of each group. This allows the groups to serve multiple functions as a networking opportunity, support group, a space to learn functional skills, and to receive mentoring.


My Story

Being a woman in an industry in which women are under represented gives me motivation to further myself and keep the door open for others.


We want to encourage anyone at any level to who wants to make upward movement in their career. We focus on women, minority, and LBGTQ needs as these are commonly under represented groups in business leadership. We always welcome anyone with interest including allies.

We are looking to become a non-profit in the coming year to help further support the goals of any member.


our Brand

We are a social mentoring group with a focus on practical skills and support.



"Work is love made visible.”

- kahlil Gibran



Reach Out

Wanna get involved? Want to join us? Just wanna chat about assuring representation in your business life? Need a speaker? Reach out for some Outreach!